Barbecue Chicken Spent Grain Pizza

22 Nov

So it turns out we have way way more than grain than we even know what to do with. The other day Nick made some beeeeer and so we had a fresh batch of wet grain. With it we decided to make some grain-y pizza dough for the next night’s dinner. This would be hard to replicate without the spent grain, but it could be done using wet barley or some other type of large-husked grain.
I definitely jacked the dough recipe from Spent Grain Chef because their stuff is friggin incredible.


What I used
For the dough
1 package active dry yeast
½ cup warm water (hottest faucet setting)
1 ½ cup whole wheat flour
¾ wet spent grain
2 teaspoons salt
sprinkle of white sugar
olive oil
garlic powder

For the toppings
~10 oz mozzarella cheese
2 lb of chicken
½ onion, caramelized
1 cup barbeque sauce
red pepper flakes

What I did
I combined the warm water with about two pinches of white sugar. Once that fully dissolved, I added the yeast and gently mixed it in together. It took about 10 minutes, but it started to bubble and get pretty big.

I added the flour, grain and salt into the bowl and mixed well. Once it almost resembled dough I kneaded it for a few minutes until it became a good dough-y texture. I covered it in a light layer of olive oil on top of the dough, put it back in the fridge, and let it sit overnight.


The next day we took it out a few hours before we wanted to use it. We let it rise and come to room temperature (about 4 hours). We then packed it down again and made it into a tight ball, and let it re-rise for another 30 or so minutes. At this time we pre-heated the oven to 500 and made the toppings.

We pan fried the chicken on medium until it was cooked through and then cut it up. We tossed it with ½ cup of barbecue sauce.


I took a small cookie sheet, lightly dusted it with flour, and stretched out the dough until it covered almost the whole thing. I drizzled olive oil, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes right onto the dough. I topped with cheese, chicken, onion and the rest of the sauce. We baked for about 12-14 minutes, at which time the cheese started to brown.


It was really good – I’m planning on making it soon using a lager yeast instead of active dry. I haven’t quite figured out what I’m going to be topping it with… any ideas?

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